USB ESP-01 Programming Adapter: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this blog post, I will walk you through the process of preparing a USB ESP-01 programming adapter and show you how to solder the button to put the CH340G adapter in programming mode. The ESP-01 is a popular WiFi module based on the ESP8266 chip, and the CH340G is a USB-to-Serial converter chip that allows you to program the ESP-01 using your computer.

Required Hardware

Before we begin, make sure you have the following materials:

  1. USB ESP-01 Programming Adapter with a CH340G chip (Affiliate) – Buy on AliExpress
  2. ESP-01 Module (Affiliate) – Buy on AliExpress
  3. Push button switch (Affiliate) – Buy on AliExpress
  4. Soldering iron Kit- Buy on AliExpress

Step 1: Prepare the USB ESP-01 Programming Adapter

First, inspect the USB ESP-01 programming adapter. You will see a set of pins on one side of the adapter.


Source of the Esp01 Pinout :


Programming mode

From the next table we can see the possible boot modes of the esp01:




For the esp01 to be programmed, we need to connect the GPIO O to GND. For that, we carefully solder a switch between the GPIO O and GND of the Esp01 adapter.



How does a mechanic switch work?



Source of the image:


Step 2: Solder the Push Button Switch

As said before, To put the CH340G adapter in programming mode, we need to add a push button switch that connects the GPIO0 pin of the ESP-01 to ground. Follow these steps to solder the button:

  1. Position the button: Place the push button switch on the adapter board, aligning its pins to the GPIO0 and GND pins of the adapter.
  2. Heat the soldering iron: Turn on the soldering iron and wait for it to heat up.
  3. Solder the button: Apply a small amount of soldering wire to the tip of the soldering iron. Touch the soldering iron to one of the button pins, and gently push the solder onto the joint between the pin and the adapter’s GPIO0 pad. Repeat this process for the other pin connected to the GND pad. Be cautious not to create a solder bridge between adjacent pads.
  4. Inspect the solder joints: Check the solder joints to ensure they are properly connected and not shorted. Use a multimeter to verify the continuity if needed.





Step 3: Connect the ESP-01 Module

Insert the ESP-01 module into the adapter, ensuring the pins are correctly aligned. The ESP-01 should sit firmly on the adapter, with its pins securely connected to the corresponding pads on the adapter.




Step 4: Enter Programming Mode

To put the CH340G adapter in programming mode, follow these steps:

  • Before plugging the USB ESP-01 programming adapter into a USB port on your computer, Press and hold the push button switch that you soldered in Step 2 for a few seconds.




  • Plug the USB ESP-01 programming adapter into a USB port on your computer with the button pressed.





  • Release the button: After a few seconds, release the push button switch. The Esp-01 should be in programming mode, and you can upload code to the ESP-01 module using your preferred development environment.





In conclusion, preparing a USB ESP-01 programming adapter and soldering a button for CH340G programming mode is not a straightforward process but with the right tools and materials, you can quickly set up your ESP-01 module for programming and start working on your IoT projects.